Osidoc Legal

Pioneer of Legaltech in the automation of the process of drafting deeds, simple or complex, whatever the legal field (RPA Legal).

Osidoc Factory

Classic desktop publishing function, but entirely managed and piloted by the business experts,

Osidoc Designer

Template configuration tool, in Microsoft technology and reserved for authors and administrators only

  • Installation on the workstation
  • Integrates Microsoft Office tools
  • Accessible to business experts after a few days of support and training
  • Management of the distribution of documents



Web-based document production tool accessible by end-users :

  • No installation on the workstation
  • No training needed
  • Self-training for use
  • Faithful preview technology for validation (paperless)
  • Production of documents and data per channel (no more retyping)
  • Validation process by profile

3 modes of use:

Interactive Mode

Intelligent question & answer mode where the end user is guided through the writing process without training.

Transaction Mode

Automation mode around business events in the form of a service.

Several million documents per year for some of our customers and for 50% of them, with preview before distribution.

Batch mode

Mass processing of document generation.

More than 35 million documents per year for some of our customers.

Osidoc, designed to communicate 

Transversality of Osidoc

RPA brick that allows the automation of any business process. Osidoc processes all documents be they simple or more complex, by unit or mass.

Communication with IS and Osidoc

Generic segregation of web services entering SOAP or REST and also, SQL, Excel, …

Use of third party services with Osidoc

e-signature integration, customer scoring, LRAR, identity control, …

Industrialization of distribution with Osidoc

Publishing piloting, e-mail server addressing, EDM power supply, Business Intelligence, …


with Osidoc

Osidoc was designed to communicate.

Osidoc has natively the means to integrate webservices (SOAP and REST) and also maintains the possibilities of access in SQL mode.

For example, for the drafting of certain complex contracts in interactive mode, Osidoc uses incoming web services, SQL database “queries” and also some Excel files.

It is the customer’s IT staff who take charge of this work after the transfer of technical skills from OSTENDI.

A few examples of Osidoc integration, outside the specific applications of OSTENDI’s customers  :

Osidoc can be “encapsulated” or urbanized to business applications as a service. Osidoc is thus called by the business applications and is an integral part of the application in a completely transparent way.

When Osidoc is used as a front-end to business applications in portal mode or in backoffice mode. The portal mode allows the central processes to be deported to the linked operational entities, without re-entering information as for example in digital end-to-end subscription processes.

Osidoc responsive

No technical adaptation or modification of settings is required for all supported devices (Windows, Android, and Apple).

Implementation methodology


Definition of a start-up


Identification of high operational risk processes and recurring tedious tasks.



planning & existing

Definition of an Osidoc production start date according to your resources and priorities. Setting up of a switch for a progressive ramp-up and living with the existing (no bigbang)


Transfer of business skills (for document parameterization)

Training and support in the use of Osidoc Designer by business experts. The appropriation of the Designer requires a business expertise of course and also a basic level of Microsoft Office.


IT skills transfer

Training and support of the IT to master the Osidoc APIs for input/output communication for the integration of Osidoc to the IS.


Documentary setting

Operational parameterization with support to perfect the transfer of functional competence


Models distribution

Run-of-the-line production with a simple click

Try Osidoc for your team